Searching for "Servicenow" job / career / vacancy in Norway? is here to assist you in your search. We wish you good luck in finding your new dream job!
Search parameters used for this particular query: Servicenowjob / career / vacancy; job location: Norway. We found several listings that are shown below (part time / full time jobs / jobs near me).
Job Description: Vi spesialiserer oss på løsninger og tjenester for virksomkritisk infrastruktur innen cybersikkerhet, sikre skybaserte datasentre, sikre nettverk og sikker…
Job Description: Provides expertise in sustained customer success and growth in the post-sales customer lifecycle through training, professional services, technical support,…
Company: GE Digital Hiring Organization: GE Digital Salary: TBD
Location: Jobbe hjemmefra Street Address: TBD
Locality: Jobbe hjemmefra Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: You’ll be responsible for the configuration, maintenance, and continues development of our ServiceNow platform. Develop and maintain scripts for automation.
Company: Banqsoft Hiring Organization: Banqsoft Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: NMD E-commerce er i rask utvikling og vi opplever økte krav fra interne og eksterne kunder. Stillingen viktigste oppgave vil være å ha 1.linje og 2.linje…
Company: Vitusapotek Hiring Organization: Vitusapotek Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Som ServiceNow-utvikler hos oss vil du spille en sentral rolle i å drive suksess for våre kunder. Relevant utdanning og sertifiseringer innen ServiceNow vil…
Job Description: Vi søker nå en ny studentassistent til vår avdeling i Oslo. I tillegg vil studentassistenten bistå eksamensavdelingen med øvrige arbeidsoppgaver etter behov.
Company: Høyskolen Kristiania Hiring Organization: Høyskolen Kristiania Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: KPMGs tverrfaglige cyber- og sikkerhetsmiljø er i stor vekst, og har utviklet seg til å bli et av Nordens ledende miljøer innen sikkerhetstjenester.
Company: KPMG Hiring Organization: KPMG Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: KPMGs prosjekt- og porteføljeledere vet hva som må til for å lykkes med komplekse prosjekter og skape endring. Vi vurderer fortløpende CV’ene som kommer inn.
Company: KPMG Hiring Organization: KPMG Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Systemforvaltning, herunder håndtering av henvendelser og administrasjon av eksisterende løsninger utviklet med Power Apps og Power Automate.
Company: Centerpoint AS Hiring Organization: Centerpoint AS Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: For å imøtekomme etterspørselen etter våre tjenester ser vi etter flere dyktige software engineers til vårt team. Erfaring med integrasjonsutvikling og SQL.
Company: KPMG Hiring Organization: KPMG Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: ServiceNow Admin (CSA) or Certified Application Developer (CAD) certification is must / CIS. At least 5 years of experience with ServiceNow.
Company: Manning Global Hiring Organization: Manning Global Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Du har arbeidet med løsningsarkitektur i prosjekter hvor ServiceNow er benyttet. ServiceNow er et tilnærmet «full stack»-utviklingsmiljø hvor man kan bryne seg…
Job Description: Frihet under ansvar og tillit er kjernen i hva vi gjør, ovenfor hverandre og ovenfor våre kunder. Som konsulent hos oss vil du jobbe med Service Management…
Company: MANAG-E NORDIC AS Hiring Organization: MANAG-E NORDIC AS Salary: TBD
Location: Asker Street Address: TBD
Locality: Asker Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: ServiceNow Admin (CSA) or Certified Application Developer (CAD) certification is must / CIS. At least 5 years of experience with ServiceNow.
Company: Manning Global Hiring Organization: Manning Global Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Bli vår nye konsulent på IT-support, ved vårt kontor i Alta! Vi ligger sentralt til, er et moderne og fint kontor med veldig godt arbeidsmiljø. Vi søker deg…
Company: Cermaq Norway AS Hiring Organization: Cermaq Norway AS Salary: TBD
Location: Alta Street Address: TBD
Locality: Alta Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Have to acquire experience in Security Domain especially in Identity and Access Management. You should be able to design and implement solutions to integrate…
Company: Tata Consultancy Services Hiring Organization: Tata Consultancy Services Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Utvikle løsningsdesign og gi rådgivning til Key Account Managers og Solution Architects internt. Gjennomføre pre-installasjon, intern testing og intern Factory…
Job Description: Sopra Steria har kunder og prosjekter som kan kreve sikkerhetsklarering på ulike nivåer. Vi har kontorer i Oslo, Stavanger, Trondheim, Bergen, Drammen, Hamar,…
Job Description: Teamet du vil bli en del av har ansvar for alle PC-er, Mac og mobile flater i Coop. Coop sin infrastruktur omfatter i dag både on-prem og skyløsninger.
Company: Coop Norge SA Hiring Organization: Coop Norge SA Salary: TBD
Location: Oslo Street Address: TBD
Locality: Oslo Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Data as of 2023-12-03 (Loaded Cached) with id 3268. Database job listings: 1,214,315 jobs and growing. Find more jobs near me.
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